2006 has been a defining year for me; in particular because I now define myself ... but it will never erase what has defined my past. In my relentless pursuit of being alive on my own terms, I will not forget the credit that belongs to my parents.
My parents taught me about kindness - through consistent and constant example.
My father was very strict about certain things with respect to me - only A's in class and no boys ;-). He spent hours studying my school books so that I could ask him any question on any subject. At university I would fax him engineering problems and we would solve them together. Formidable Father-Daughter Team. My father was so so kind & loving to me. So kind that I could not see beyond him. The most handsome, smartest man I had ever met - and I certainly the apple of his eye. For my overflowing confidence, the credit belongs to my father.
One Friday evening, an employee of his made a very costly mistake. My father was understandably angry. But after a few minutes he said to my mother, "I am feeling bad; everyone makes mistakes. I am so happy and lucky to have my family to come home to." He then took the bunch of flowers he had bought for my mother and gave it to the stunned employee, wishing him a wonderful weekend and telling him not to worry about anything. My hero.
My mother's priority were my manners. I regret to say that in my younger years, I confused my burgeoning confidence with self-importance. My father indulged me, because I was his little girl - but not my mother. She made me include unpopular girls in my group, to my absolute chagrin. She once made me apologize publicly to some irritating girl who had started crying because I would not talk to her. My mother told me that wht matters in life is heart and compassion. I did not be

In my relentless pursuit of being alive, I pray for boundless blessings to my parents. I am forever grateful for their kindness. As for that which broke my heart - they have brought up with enough kindness to remember that heros are human too ...
...besides, my heart cannot really break ... it overflows with happiness and confidence ... what can be against me, when the Creator of The Universe is with me ...?
… ooh and I found a dress in the specified green colour … :-)
what a blessing to read first thing in the morning..
your parents are blessed to have you as their daughter.
being a mother now, makes me really scared, and perhaps a lot more empathetic of my parents' struggles with us.
It's like the sudden "aha" moment of realizing mothers and fathers are also struggling humans trying to do their best for their kids.
I am that imperfect human and I just hope that my son will have such wonderful memories to live by.
Thank you Nazli:)
what a sweet entry. delightful. i will have to ponder the good things my parents have me this week as we celebrate my father's 80th birthday.
I think all children find it hard to understand the "be nice to people you don't like" lesson. A dedicated parent will persist and hopefully it makes sense to us one day.
This almost made me cry, it was so beautiful. Your devotion and all - the love of your father and mother towards you. What is it girl, do you live in a perfect world?
Tom! Yes I know you are going to be in my part of the world this week. Weather report - not bad, cooler, some cloud and rain - but enjoyable.
Happy Birthday to your father, Tom - 80 more years to him.
Parents - the major influence of our lives ...
Peace and Parties and Great Parenting to you my friend
Mr Angry - there are a number of lessons that I found hard to accept - but they have done me some good. For example, i once picked a random flower from someone's garden, and my mother made me go to the owner of the person and aplogize. I was convinced she was trying to ruin my life. Good woman
So I hear you are discreetly particpating in the Campaign for Kindness. :-) No worries we won;t tell anyone and your image remains in tact :-)
Zee - thank you. It almost makes me cry too.
No, no - I do not live in perfect world by any means. But I have been very lucky to have had parents who were devoted to my upbringing. I am not sure they were ready to allow me to actually be gorown up, though :-)
My perfect world would be happy, fearless, simple, sincere, exciting, happy, happy, happy, fearless, exciting, ordinary and extraordinary ... with dance music and mangoes and lichees
Hey Zee - here's wishing you the best day of your life! Keep smiling - and I am smiling with you!
Zee ya!
That was a really lovely post and what a great guy your dad is for giving those flowers to the employee. If only more employers were like him ....
I have read this and reread it and I wasn't sure how to respond because it touched my heart so much. You are very lucky to have parents who were able to express their love for you through such positive actions. Unfortunately I didn't have the same luck, my parents love me, I have no doubt about that, but both are incapable of showing this in a positive and constructive way, it is their limitations, nothing personal :-)
I see myself in both your father and mother, I cry and laugh with people like your mother but I also have a very strict and severe regarding other things, now I just have to find the balance :-)
I wish you a lovely week!!
My Dear Maliha - Salamaat to you. How is the fasting going for you - may it be reflective and soul-lifting :-)
It must be a spectacular experience to be a parent! You know I wish you only the happiest and most fulfilling motherhood.
It is true, parents are human and understanding that creates sweetness and affection in the home. It is when parents perceive themselves to be infallibale and are not open to listening to their children that it becomes hurtful to both sides.
My Dear Dear Maliha peaces of everything good to you!
Anonymous - Merhaba!
Thanks Clare! Yes my father is a very good person and I wish him only the best.
I once did have an employer give me flowers for my birthday. That was sweet too :-)
Wishing you good things today!
Cristiana! My dear dear friend! How are you? Nice to see you!
I must say that my parents are wonderful - but to be honest I have always had immense prssure to excel and succeed. That is not always easy to live under pressure.
Lately, I have decided to live on my own terms and succeed on my own terms. I am not sure my parents agree with my choices. So it's not really all bed of roses - but I am forever grateful for what they have done for me.
I do think parents generally try their best, and life is hard sometimes. But life on Earth is too short and too temporary to not be happy and live with zest!
Cris - I think you are fantastic on your own terms. Look at you - you are following your dreams in a tough city, you are making it, you are taking on the world and winning it! I am proud of you!
You have a great week! Talk to you soon. Huge hugs and kisses to you!
Dear Doc
Parents are just special, aren't they? We certainly are a sort of their reflex to some extent until we are able to convert all such influence into the unique person that we are.
I'll pray for your parents tonight ok?
Caco - thank you. You are so kind, so kind.
Your dear friend,
Hello Dr. Nazli!
I am another new fan and am wondering why you haven't posted in quite a while? Where are you in your life? Your encouragement needs to continue to go out online. I urge you to get back on your horse and keep your family's legacy alive dear lady! You have been given a gift in your parents that we all need to glean from.
Here's to your fearlessness!
Adelaide Zindler
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