... during my first year of doctoral studies, I had started teaching at a university - I was so excited about the opportunity - but oh I had so much to learn! My father had given me the good advice of emulating all the good things I loved about my favourite professors. In primary school, we could not use the word, “nice” because it was over-used and not descriptive enough. But I have found that being nice is what really matters. I am not always nice – sometimes I am irrational, inconsiderate and unsympathetic – my ego takes over and I think of only myself. But luckily academe grounds me and over the last several years, teaching has taught me that:
- Say something with sincere sunny smiles – and you are winning the room!
- Say anything with a raised voice in anger and irritation – you are so losing the room
- The most aggravating irritating unpleasant person can be turned around – with empathy. The power in the words, “I can see your perspective, but here is another one …” is tremendous :-) You never know what the person is going through, but just giving them the respect of empathy, could melt them.
- The ability to say, “I don’t know the answer to your question, but let’s look into it” is honourable and people respond to it with respect - I learnt this from Cristobal
- Being judgmental and self-righteous are ineffective and unattractive - in fact it’s idiotic. I remember what a colleague on Wall Street often told me, “Nazli, get over yourself!” ;-)
- Sincere charm disarms adversaries and makes friends happy to have you as their friend! And actually it is lovely to be in your own company when you are charming.
- Being irritated and short-tempered does absolutely no good to anyone – it increases your blood pressure, ruins your mood and your day, you make other people feel awful, the bad day follows you around - you don’t solve anything …! On the other hand, being sincerely pleasant puts others at ease, your mood remains sunny, somehow life seems fantastic – and people work with you
- Being hard does not equate to strength - sometimes the nicest, kindest people you will ever meet are the most resilient and self-assured
- Appearance sometimes counts for nothing
- People can sense sincerity - or the lack of
- Underestimating people is folly
- Remembering a name makes a big difference
- When people count on you - it inspires you to never let them down
- You cannot always make everyone happy - and that's just fine!
To sum it up, a winning smile and a dazzling laugh can win a day!
This leads me to "Campaign for Kindness" initiated by the Beautiful Maliha. I LOVE it! So ecxited! Let's got for it. Be nice, be kind, be happy, be dazzling - it only makes you beautiful to be around!
Peace and sunny smiles and dazzling dreams to you!
This leads me to "Campaign for Kindness" initiated by the Beautiful Maliha. I LOVE it! So ecxited! Let's got for it. Be nice, be kind, be happy, be dazzling - it only makes you beautiful to be around!
Peace and sunny smiles and dazzling dreams to you!

Music Recommendation: Clay Aiken's new CD - listen to it for free
Callas on La Wally Aria, Ebben, Ne andrĂ² lontana' recommended by Caco
Movie Recommendation: "Little Miss Sunshine" - sunny, crazy, ecclectic - but not ecclesiastic
"O Brother Where Art Thou" recommended by Caco
"Roma" (Spain/Argentina production) - super nice film, "Malena" - a very good one, "Cinema Paradiso" - well we know.. recommended by Fernando
"High Fidelity" recommended by Beth
...can't wait for your wanderings, you keep me in suspence :)
Thanks for your positive outlook on life and all the comments made in that spirit. You are remarkable, that I can subscribe to.
Zee - thank you and thank you and thank you ...
I have been wandering and wandering ... in wonder ... and I wonder, does it take one to wonder? Is that the same as ponder? I wonder!
:-):-) Are you smiling Zee?
Dear Cris as you know, inspiring you is in my molecules :-)
Salamaat ya Charming Nazli,
what a gorgeous post. How inspiring. Thank you for sharing those precious pearls.
And then to give a shoutout to the campaign is like icing on the cake:)
thank you, for you.
love and peace n' chocolate-y scrumptious dreams to you:)
Welcome to the teaching "clan" Nazli.
I started today again with a bunch of seniors carving marble ... but first we did some clay exercises, probably tomorrow as well.
Your attitude as a teacher fits totally my description. There will be some tough choices once in a while, but the mood of kindness must prevail.
Doc, dear, you are disclosing all the secrets of your infinite charming style! And for free! By the way, it appears to me that the word nice is far too simple to define your style:-) Thanks for your generosity. I shall recommend the reading of your tips to my friends and memorise some of them myself. Enjoy your Thursday evening & stay magnanimous.
Salamaat my Dear Maliha - just reading your comments just lightens my day ... it's true.
What a beautiful day tomorrw will be as we start our Campaign for Kindness - may it never end!
Beautiful happy lovely weekend to you my soul sis!
Dazzling peaces to you. Thank you, for you.
Hey Zee - lucky the Seniors to have marble classes with you. What is the first thing you will teach them to carve? Or will they have their own choices?
Thank you Zee. Yes those tough choices sometimes ...
Wishing you a smiling weekend Zee!
Zee ya!
Caco - your opinion of me makes me want to be a better person, everyday ...
I will check out the campaign for kindness, sounds so great!!
Expect an email from me this weekend :-)
empathy, yes even from a differing perspective.
All good to remember in the classroom or out.
I caught your comment on Joe's Freudian Slips blog, and thought you'd be interested in this - John Lennon's "Woman" can be seen on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaLfDnShEn0
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