Thursday, October 26, 2006

Miami Mon Ami

Miami at Dawn

Miami at Dusk

Miami at Night

Miami Mi Amigo!


Anonymous said...

Nice images! Miami seems to lend itself to panoramas.

one ben bir sey said...

miami heard of it:)looks like coastal of where ı live lots of palm trees:)
music recommendation on air daily at my blog mainly turkish though:)
kucak kucak kucak

Zee said...

Awesome Nazli - and by clicking on them I was this time to enjoy a larger version :)

Joe Tornatore said...

great photos as usual. oh, saw the Bollywood blockbuster Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. Remarkable film with me in it. see my blog for more details.

reverb said...

...from wich point were shoted?

by the way

is known that red is faaasssst


marcos said...

Miami has given an impression of artificial life. On the other hand, you gave a different perspective with this series. Beautiful shots full of vibrant life.

Anonymous said...

Love it Nazli... I miss the beach and palm trees, great photos, eventhough I have never liked Miami all that much.

Hope you are doing well and having fun!!

hugs and kisses,


Anonymous said...

how i want to fly over stuff.

enjoy your self and get lots of sun (is it nice warm and sunny?) cuz its gray over here...

Take care O gorgeous one.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos Nazli, I especially love "Miami at Night". There's something really magical about those night-shots of the big city. It always makes my mind wander as to whats going on behind each of the lights in the windows.

Red Tulips said...

What beautiful photos! I hope you are having a great day!

Nazli Hardy said...

Red Tulips - thanks. Lovely waether in the lovely city of Miami. Hope you are aving a great day today and everyday!


Nazli Hardy said...

Hi Candancimmm! How are you my beautiful kardesime? Yes a coastal city with palm trees and lovely restaurants that do not close till 4:00 AM. Great food. I know you like to cook so you would like it there.

Huge hug and kiss from your sister.


Nazli Hardy said...

Zee - que pasa amigo? Nice to see you! How was your trip? How is your mama? And glad you liked the pictures - I shall post them on Flickr. Hope your Thursday is the best Thursday of the week :-)

Zee ya!

Nazli Hardy said...

Joe!! Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna - meaning "never say goodbye" in Hindi - right? I actually downlaoded some of the songs from iTunes even though i don;t really understand hindi - I like the hip Bollywood sounds. I will vitis your blog and I am so intrigued to know that you were in it???

Sharukh Khan is such a mega star - but apparantly the film deals with the subject of adultry which is not a main stream subject in India. Bollywood is something to be reckoned with.

Nice to see you as always, Joe.


Nazli Hardy said...


Morocho - is that dark-haired girl?

Red is fast? Some don't need red to be fast - and some wear red because they own it :-)

From which direction were the pictures shot? From Bayside looking out to South Beach


Nazli Hardy said...

Mr. Angry - thanks. Yes it is lovely - though I was very influenced by the warm weather :-)


Nazli Hardy said...

Caco - you are deep as you are sweet. You know, surprisingly, Miami was not gaudy at all. The people were vibrant and happy. They work during the day and then party till 4:00 AM and they enjoy life. But the commercial areas of Miami are completely quiet in the evenings - people go to restaurants and Soth beach after 11:00 PM. I particularly enjoyed the Art Deco architecture with the neon lights - beautiful!

Take care Dear Friend,

Nazli Hardy said...

Cristiana! Thanks. Big hugs and kisses to you. Miami seems to be a growing city with so many many construction sites with tall buildings about to be made. It seems as though the hot spot is Miami beach, while places with Bayside are being developed comercially.

How are you my Beautiful Friend?

Nazli Hardy said...

Beth - your comment made me laugh because I have the opposite reaction to night shots. It never occurs to me to consider them as invidual lights - but all a part of the same picture. I am so not detail oriented.

Hey - so how are you? Nice to see you. I liked Miami but the only thing I really miss about it is the weather. There is something magical about Autumn colours in the Eastern United States.


Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha! My Gorgeous Sister! How are you? Salamaat.

Have had you in my thoughts and sending you much warmth and the best wishes! I am wearing my "inspi(red)" t-shirt again today - and I am so inspired Maliha!

Oh I have discovered green tea smoothies from Starbucks - have you tried it? I love green tea. And to celebrate this green love, I am using Elizabeth Arden's green tea moisturizer.

So - all the nectars and the sweetness and the gren tea rolled up in peace for you.

This last week was unbelievable with catch up - but look forward to reading your blog.

Your sister,

marcos said...

Darling, green tea is filled with anti-oxidants - you know very well. You will keep your beauty forever!

As for Miami, I was listening today to U2's Stay (Faraway So Close) and this reminded me of you:

'Faraway, so close
Up with the static and the radio
With satelite television
You can go anywhere
MIAMI, New Orleans
London, Belfast and Berlin'
