Monday, October 02, 2006

Picturesque Mondays ... say anything

During the premiership soccer season, I live for
Manchester United games without logic or reason. I soar in delight for every wining goal, and for a loss, no words can console. The team makes me happy

...talking of happy, when my brother was 8 he wrote a poem and the last two lines were, "the dragon was happy, still in his nappy". It still makes me laugh out aloud

...talking about laughing out aloud, I have this awful habit of remembering funny things at inappropriate times. For example, someone might be talking about their car problems at tedium and suddenly I will think about the happy dragon in the nappy and then have to fight the urge to not burst out laughing for fighting urges, the month of Ramadhan is a testament to discipline and will power and committment. Imagine not ingesting anything at all, including water, from dawn to dusk. It's formidable and the degree of introspection is incomparable. It is especially a time for kindness and warmth and friendship

... another shout out for my frriends at the Campaign for Kindness ! Just be kind. Why Not? To anyone, anytime, anywhere - be kind. Why not? But be especially kind to those who care about you. They deserve your kindness more than everyone ... show them you care even more!

... in a lovely show of caring, during each of the last 3 years, 3 separate friends had fasted with me for a day each. One friend "fasted" all day after having a business breakfast ... another "fasted" but had water during meeting presentations ... and the third one apparantly "fasted" twice in one day, since he had lunch in the middle of day ... :-) The thoughtfulness touched my heart...

... talking about thoughtfulness and heart, last week, I received some flowers in a fleaker - they meant a lot to me and it was the sweetest start to my Autumn season...

... talking of season, hey here is to Manchester United's winning season, for I support them with no logic or reason!


epikles said...

talking about laughing out loud, this is exactly what my five-year old was doing all the way back on the flight from DC to SF. We were on JetBlue so he got to watch more cartoons than ever before. He especially enjoyed a Tom&Jerry and had half the plane in stiches (the other half was ready to strangle him) with his loud joyful laughter.

We also fasted on that flight - not from choice or Ramadhan, but due to the fact that "the war on terror" has given the airlines a great excuse to cut out inflight meals :}

Anonymous said...

Uncontrollable outbursts... mine previously tended towards "you know what makes me really angry about this situation?" Now that I have blog therapy I find I get angry less often. These days I tend to notice "that drives me crazy" but instead of getting as angry as I used to, I happily file the experience away as future blog fodder.

Anonymous said...

Such a colorful and happy entry:) awww...I love your stream of thoughts and can never have too many shouts on the campaign, knowhai'msayin? :)

I hope you are having a delightful and gorgeous day; peace and infinite doses of happiness for ya:)

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with outbursts as Mr Angry, mine usually begin "You know what really makes me angry? Stupid people..."

I do have a few old jokes that make me giggle though. Things that even if I wanted to explain them to the puzzled onlookers they wouldn't get it.

Have a good day!

Nazli Hardy said...

Tom! No one with a half a heart could resist a joyful laughter, so i am sure your son was a source of delight to the captive audience.

Talking of airplane travel and ramaadhan, my father once was raveling east to west and was thus fasting for almost a day.

Oh and when I traveled this summer "peanuts" was all we received. Why have the flight attendant give them out? Why not have a peanut packet on everyone's seat to save time?

Best cheers Tom - good to see you,

Nazli Hardy said...

Mr Angry - blog therapy indeed! There is something about writing anonymously (i hope) about anything and nothing that soothes the soul.

In fact i started blogging regularly at the beginning of this year - and ironically this public forum was a means of self-affirmation.

All good! Hope you are taking on the "Down Under" and winning it Mr Angry!


Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha Salmaat! Love those doses of happiness - makes my day gorgeous.

As for my stream of thought - oh if only my thoughts would do all the work I have piling in my inbox my dear.

How are you my kind gorgeous sister?

Have the best Wednesday! Green and pink and blue beautiful things to you with peace icing!

Nazli Hardy said...

Beth! Giggle away girl! :-)

I feaer I am sometimes one of those "stupid people" that other people areirritated by. Last night when i needed to change lanes at the last moment i caused a traffic jam of sorts... mmmmhh can just imagine what unknown people were thinking of me.

Beautiful and sunny day to you my dear lovely Beth. Hope you are feeling better. It's R's loss, not yours - you remember that.
