Fearless! Ambitious! Bold! I like to think I am fearless, but it was essential for me to acknowledge that which frightens me the most. I did so these last days. I acknowledge what I fear most – and there is nothing that can erase that fear – except to be fearless. How helpful. Thank you for that introspective edge.
There is a debate and denial over whether or not 655,000 Iraqis died. That is the debate? Bloody Hell! (yes I am swearing - in anguish and disgust!) You have got to be kidding me! Ok – let’s halve the number, no let’s diminish that number by a factor of 100, in fact let’s cut the number down to 1 and let’s not even consider the nationality - and that would be a bloody loss of 1 human life too many!
My models for fearlessness are the following - my goodness - they define FEARLESSNESS!:
Bono: (Red) products - no politics just humanity
Zainab Salbi: beautiful woman helping one woman at a time and changing the world - no politics just humanity
Mohammed Younus from
Anna Politkovskaya
Red Cross: for reaching out to the “inhabitants” of
Watched a movie this weekend called “Water”. It is set in 1937
Also this weekend we had a bachelorette party for my friend Jenny – and to be perfectly honest, I forgot all about world affairs and crying and such, and just had much fun with a bunch of crazy girls.
Fearless Movie Recommendation: "Water" by Deepa Mehta – this movie was made by the fearless Director, despite massive protests by extremists groups who were afraid that their deplorable customs of widowhood would be highlighted. Go Deepa!
Fearless Product Recommendation: "(Red)" - so I rushed to Gap and bought a t-shirt, half of whose profits could go to help a mother buy medicine for her children. My t-shirt reads “inspi(red)”. Oh, I am so inspired! There are also other t-shirts like "empow(red)", "desi(red)", "admi(red)" and get this "bo(red)", "hamme(red)" :-)
Fearless Music Recommendation: “Nothing In My Way” by Keane – the words say it all
“All Cried Out” by Allure - the words say it all
"Já sei namorar" by Tribalistas - recommended by my fearless friend, Caco
this is where we went rafting in West Virginia
...wish I be like you...and forget all the crap and make some fun...
and NOW because we have TV and news , etc
but in past centuries the average man, lives in a worst manner
I have words in Spanish , but I dont known the related English translates to explain that
I just sent a couple e mails to nazlikabir@gmail.com !!!!
wha da hell??
check again
cheers baby
My dearest Sister Nazli,
I am so happy you are back, I was missing you!
It's such a heart felt post; more people need to *care* like you do. I think too many are in the comfortable zone of apathy that allows us to acknowledge events and let them pass by us.
The reality of the world is heart breaking; but those links you provided are the very reason why we keep living, and loving, and being fearless.
Thanks for sharing, I didn't know about Zainab she sounds *awesome* mashaallah:)
Peace and a big huge sisterly hug :)
you're the sweetest! I can say you are a model of fearnessness to me, cause you just dare to be yourself always - crying or laughin', you are amazing! - and I see and feel that everytime I read your posts.
Stay fearless, dear!
Sometimes a good cry is warranted. A desire to be fearless and face things head-on is an admirable one - if only more of us could do it. Maybe I'll use the "red" campaign as an excuse to finally buy an ipod- they're releasing a red one as part of the campaign (Bono's owrk, I believe)
Mr Angry - thanks. nice to see you. Yes Bono and the (red) campaign. good thing red is my favourite colour because that is all I want to sport from now on!
Fernando - I think I understand what you trying to say. English is my second language too :-)
Your e-mails do not reach me - could you possibly try a new e-mail address?
Como estas Fernando? Nice to see you :-)
Maliha - My Dearest Sister. Yes I am back - well relected and i hope with better perspectives. Thank you for missing me, I read your last post and was awe struck. I have told you this before; you are the example I wish the world could see of Islam - and actually of humanity.
Zainab is pretty is delightful - what an example of womanhood and humanity!
I have been thinking much about the simple fact that tomorrow is not promised to me and how I just want to ensure that i don;t leave a thought of warmth unheard or my feelings unfelt. It's this month Maliha - you know what I mean.
Huge warmest sisterly hug to you - what a joy to know that you are here with me.
Lo - you are the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! This fearless thing - I fail often, Lo. I find that what I fear most matters not in teh scheme of life. It is so liberating to feel that. I just need to remember. thank you for you sweetness. I am happy to report I am all cried out for now and have taken to laughing at myself again - and if you tasted my cooking you would laugh at me too. :-)
Beijos and beijos beautiful girl.
I am going to read more on the Nobel Peace Prize winner. This man is an inspiration to Muslims around the world that there is an alternative violence. He is to be especially commended.
Not all Muslims are committed to violence and not all violence is committed by Muslims. But having said that - yes Mohammed Younus is certainly a remarkable example
I didn't mean all Muslims are committed to violence, when I left my message. I merely meant he is an example to those who are prone to violence that there is an alternative path. I am very glad he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is someone we all could emulate.
Red Tulips
I know this is off topic but please take a moment to read After Pat's BirthdayThis poingant story was written by Pat Tillman's brother, Kevin. This is a must read.
mL1urQ Hello! Great blog you have! My greetings!
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