Red is my favourite colour! And y'all know that I am a girly girl who believes that being fashionable is as important as being bold & intellectual in the art of fearlessness :-) Every Sunday, I scan through my closet and mentally plan my wardrobe for the week ahead. Often I forget my list and find myself putting together the outfit 30 minutes before I have to leave. Dressing up delights me! Then there is matching jewelry (limited) and make-up (light) - oh I love being a girl! :-)
So imagine my happipness in being able to wear a red t-shirt, knowing that half of the profits go to Aids in Africa - and it is inscribed with "INSPI(RED)". Tomorrow I teach lab sections of my class and it's the day I dress casually to work. So I am going to wear my "inspi(red)" t-shirt ! With blue pants with turquoise necklace and earrings ... ? Or with brown dress pants and red & brown necklace ...? Such important decisions. Heels of-course. Gosh, I am so inspi(red) to wake up tomorrow :-)
Hope you are laughing with me at my frivolties :-)
Can't wait to wear my gorgeous new CBGB limited edition this weekend - thank you, Baby!
Movie Recommendations: "The Lake House" - romantic movie that made me cry and sigh in relief at the endlessness and timelessness of true love
Music Recomendations: "Oh L'Amour" : Erasure - keeping with the love theme - why not ;-)
The album "A Posteriori": Enigma - I downloaded this last night and it is simply enigmatic
from Fernando - (Jamaica) "The Skatalites": Occupation, "Joya Landis": Midnight Lover, "The Clarendonians & Augustus": Ruddie Bam bam, (Angola) "Bonga" Mulemba Xangola
Book Recommendations: "The O'Reilly Factor": Bill O'Reilly (all in the spirit of fairness & balance ;-))
"The Truth": Al Franken (the truth shall set you free, I hear)
"War on the Middle Class": Lou Dobbs (apparantly if your e-mail to Lou Dobbs is read out during his show, you will receive a free copy. I am composing a note right now)
so finally you found one of the emails!
by the way, that burgoundy red with dots shirt (I suppose)suit good on you...
and the NY CBGB rocknroll club shut down doors
cheers morocha
red, the bold in fearless, ambitious, bold. saw The Departed last night. marvelous snap dialogue by a star-studded cast.
Poor Lou. Those veins keep popping out of his head. Believe me, when this guy says "The Middle Class" he's talking 'bout his father
s middle class - the White one.
Wow, my favorite color is red as well! (not a surprise, eh)
Hope your day is going well!
Thanks for the shout out dear Nazli. I liked your book recommendations; Bill O-Reilly - you are more fair than me (in more than one way)but I'd classify reading his work as "know your enemy". Al Franken - he makes me laugh about things that should depress me! Lou Dobbs - I saw him on the Daily Show. I think Tom is right about his view of a white middle class but he makes some interesting points.
I love that t-shirt - its so nice when you can have something pretty and do some good at the same time.
Estee Lauder are doing a beautiful pink lipgloss where a percentage of the proceeds go to breast cancer care - a good cause and a good excuse for more beauty buys!!
Yes you really did shout out loud that ı heard all the way from Turkey :)how are you my sister been a long time since ı have not seen you around missed you:)I like the t-shirt too and like red no wonder I look a like my sister .
holiday over here after ramazan.
kucak kucak
Doc dear - you will look awesome tomorrow - another sight of inspiration for your group. Your week is boud to be brilliant.
Clothing-talk can be futile however I have a simple perspective about it when associated to work environment: we should not wear clothes suitable for the job position we have. Instead, choose the clothes for the position you want to take. It can make the whole difference, doesn't it?
Shout out to everyone: Doc rocks!
Picks of the week:
Movie - Wim Wenders' "Don't come knocking". By the way, I appreciated enormously 'The lake house' and its soundtrack.
Song - Elza Soares' "Saltei de banda". Quintessentially Brazilian.
Book - "Extremely loud and incredbly close" by Jonathan Safran Foer.
Fernando - thanks.
Too bad about CBGB! But the t-shirt looks great :-)
Take care
Joe! How are you? Nice to see you. My best friend Kelly went to see the Departed" and she said DiCaprio was great in it - bu of-course lots of shocking killings - Martin S aterall.
Joe - I am frightenly excited about watching the somewhat nonsensical movie, "Borat" next week. Will let you know.
Cheers and take good care
Tom - good point. Though today I caught the end of his show since I try to watch Wolf Blitzer and he appeared triumphant about the imminent signing of "the wall".
As for the senate race in Tennesee ... have you heard of that? Too much fun over the next few weeks.
Cheers for now Tom - hope you are doing very well
Red Tulip - red is a good colour - as is rot and rouge and lal :-)
Enjoy your week.
Mr Angry how are you? :-) Al Franken's "The Truth" is my plane reading material. Though I probably should carry the Bill O'Reilly pamphlet so I don;t look too liberally suspicous.
Cold here in the east coast. 51 degrees Fahrenheit. But I am determined to enjoy my winter, since it is inevitable here :-)
Cheers for now and all the best!
Beth! Hi, how are you? Nice to see you ;-) Love the t-shirt!
Hey I actually needed some lip gloss - great that Estee Lauder has a "cahritable" prodcust. Will check it out.
How is the work and play?? Have a great week my beautiful friend!
Candancimm! Eid Mubarak my dear lovely sister! Thinking of you and sending you the very best wishes and warmest hugs!
kuckak kucak kucak!
Nazlicinn :-)
Caco - firstly what a bright wonderful soul you are!
The soundtrack to "The Lake House" is good - especialy "this never happened before" by Paul McCartney. What a lovely movie of timeless love.
Hope your week is going fantastic annd brilliant!
Thank you for the recommendations - they will find themselves on the next Wedensday Wanderings.
Really like your perspective on dressing - to dress the part that you want to play in life. this is not just about the image you have on others, but really the image you project for yourself towards that high goal. Love it!
Life is so short and so unsure - all the more reason to take teh time to look fantastic everyday. On that note, I am off for some much needed beauty sleep, my friend.
You take good care of yourself and stay as wonderful and spirited and warm as you are.
BTW - the next shout out is to look at your photos on Flickr!
To celebrate your "redness" highness, I put a red sweater on and posed in-front the red shack where the red hen is missing ... (on my blog:))
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