Thursday, January 18, 2007

This Time This Year

This time last year was undoubtedly the most heart-wrenching time of my life - everything that was comfortable and sacred and safe - everything I counted on unconditionally melted into moments that left me in disbelief. Perhaps in retrospect I shall consider it a part of being born in a culture where choices and freedom are nothing compared to the consensus of a family ruled by the medieval notion of patriarchic power and might. But certainly I had to take my stand against the very person who taught me to be fearless and ambitious and bold. He surely thought I was the Frankenstein monster - his product who rebelled against his absolute control using the tools with which he equipped me.

My dearest friend reminded me that having the courage to be true to myself is true fearlessness. I gleaned through world news to find camaraderie with the world around me.
My heart was filled with empathy for every injustice anywhere – the final transformation to the rest of my life. I realized that my life was indeed beautiful because at least I could exert my right to live on my own terms - while many others have ceased to be alive because they are 'casualties of war'. Blogging engaged my mind and kept my spirit intact because it gave me perspective and forced me to be deeply self-reflective. Also I found that in being sincerely concerned for humanity and being genuine and warm to everyone only lights my heart to heights from which I will not fall. In the end, what I discovered made 2006 the best year of my life – and you the fearless blog list enhanced my understanding and perspective. Thank you.

This time, this year let me say that I am truly grateful and glad to have come across you – Caco, Maliha, Mr. Angry, Tom, Cristiana, Joe, Zee, Jeff, Lo … because even through the coldest medium, your words touched my heart. Wishing you the happiest 2007 ever! How was your Christmas and New Year? Mine was wonderful - in fact the best ever. The Winter break from school was spent working on a grant proposal and then preparing for the new semester. This semester I am teaching computer security and discrete mathematics. In addition, I am going to take on some ambitious projects that I have neglected. It is GREAT to see you again!

Oh – what is with Big Brother UK – Shilpa vs. Jane? Racism or a cultural conflict? Either way – I am happy to see it being addressed. Have you heard of the discovery of a lost civilization in Peru?

Recommended Movies:

Apocalypto – brilliant visuals, gory, underlying love story, hidden messages

Blood Diamond – if there is one movie to watch from 2006, this would be it

Casino Royale – the best James Bond movie ever – and I have watched all of them!

Recommended Music: (on my iTunes, in my car, at the office)

“Say it Right” Nelly Furtado

“Irreplaceable” – Beyonce

“Eurydice” – Sleepthief featuring Jody Quine

"Beds are Burning" - Midnight Oil


Zee said...

Aha, you are back - welcome back!
Hope you didn't get too annoyed by the private mail I send you in December. As always, it was ment to cheer you up.

Nazli Hardy said...

Aha - back to you Zee! how are you? Actually I have not read the private e-mail you sent to me in December - but I am confident that you would not anything that would annoy me :-)

I forgot the password for that account and the memory fails me.

But thank you so much for thinking of me! How is your 2007 so far? Are you behaving yourself?

You keep smiling Zee because the world is better for it!

Zee ya!

Nazli Hardy said...

Jeff - Happy New Year to you! Yes 3 more years to 2010 and 13 more years till 2020. I really do remember thining that 200 was so far away - it's come and gone and the world keeps turning.

Just bought a book on the science through the ages an what lifts my heart is that the existence of humanity is but a speck in the spectrum of the universe. What was beofre, what was after - what a thrill to know!

Simply wonderful to see you - will visit your blog later today


Nazli Hardy said...

Beautiful Maliha! Salamaat my Soul Sister! How are you? I cannot wait to catch up on your blog. Every happiness every day in every way to you!

Huge hug! I am at the office with edemame and mountain dew as I prepare for tomorrow. They are both green - so peace and green gorgeous things to you!

Your sister,

Nazli Hardy said...

Caco - if I had to have a person to speak of me or to paint a picture of me, it would be hard no to choose you because your good thoughts and wishes for me are pervasive and they touch me. Whether or not I deserve such beautiful words, I very much appreciate them. So thank you and thank you.

Well how is Brasil in the New Year? Will be dropping by your blog later today. You have my every good and warm and happy wish for every year!

Your friend,

Nazli Hardy said...


Feliz navidad, propero ano y felicidad. I wanna wish you a merry christmas from the bottom of my heart! :-)

All the best to you and yours!. Did you make it up to PA for the holiday season. Will visit your blog later today!

Warmest wishes

Nazli Hardy said...

Cristiana! Wow I am so glad you are back - and so looking forward to putting you back on the "fearless" list. Can't wait to visit your blog to see what you ahve been up to!

Huge hug beautiful lady and the very best fo 2007 to you!

Your friend,

epikles said...

welcome home - we all missed you! no east coast swing for christmas for us, but east coast weather came to visit us instead - snow on the california coast is a beautiful sight.

Anonymous said...

Wohoo she's back!

Hugggggzzz and beautiful rainbows and warm sunny days sent your way :)

I hope you have a splendid year ahead...yes, 2006 was special in getting to know you as well.

Equilibrio Global said...

Nazliiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! I am so glad you are back :-)

Happy new year!! Hope it was the best (oh, you already said it was ;-)).

Glad to see you back.

Hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Nazli :) It's true what you say - blogging engages the mind wonderfully. Congratulations of having turned the most heart wrenching time of your life into the best year of you life. I am sure there are many more to come!

Thanks for the recommendations - "Beds are burning" brought a smile to my face - 80's Oz Rock and my college years came flooding back!

marcos said...

Doc dear. Nice to hear you from you again. Your avid readers surely had nightmares about you being abducted to somewhere in outer space.

You are absolutely lovely and your words make me feel there is intelligent life on Earth. It is always an urgent pleasure to read your posts over and over. I have recommended them to my friends as well. Hope they feel as inspiring as I do.

Your 2007 is bound to be fantastic - nothing can stand against your strong and positive will. Be bold, little Doc.

Shilpa is classy by nature. Even in the unlikely event of sweeping the floor, she will be a true princess. Jade is outspoken, sure thing. But unfortunately she let out her anger in the most outrageous way - racism and bullying. It was a shame at global broadcast scale. Big Brother took her to the top and shall bury her as well.

Breaking news: from end-February I will be seconded to the British subsidiary of the company I work for. I will post at FdG from London during two years. There is a new challenge ahead. "Are you ready to jump? Yes, I’m ready to jump. Just take my hands. Get ready to jump." Shall we jump together?

Kisses & stay fabulous.

one ben bir sey said...

Hurrayyyy my sister is back
happy new year
But I haven't made a good start to the 2007 as my mother had passed away at dec the 3rd ,so very sad and sorry... But life goes on ...
With all my love kardeşime

marcos said...

And the winner is... Shilpa.

The issue has been accordingly addressed this time, hasn't it?
What could this possibly mean, darling? The world is still a safe place to live?

Points to ponder...

Anonymous said...

The Big Brother UK thing has the effect of making me feel borderline ashamed of being British.

Jade Goody is a prime example of what is wrong in British society. Famous for no reason other than being on a reality TV show, stupid (not in the adorable Jessica Simpson way either) and simpley uneducated - which is why she is as racist as she is. I think she's an utterly deplorable woman and quite frankly, deserves what she got. Fame is a fickle mistress amd we Brits love to build someone up, but knock them down when they get to big for their boots.

Her boots...way too big.

Joe Tornatore said...

thanks for the honorable mention.
i have been haivng trouble leaving comments on your blog for some reason. i just loaded Ireplaceable to my ipod beofre reading this post. damn, that Beyonce gets me.

Jeff said...

And.... I'm LATE!. LOL
Oh gosh it has been a WHILE! So cool to see your post and think of what my year meant to me.

You always seem to bring out such different thoughts.

Stay human babe!


Nicole said...

Apocalypto it is a film that denigrates to the ancestors of the Mexicans, is a horrible and hateful film, that me arrepenti of to have spent my money in that nastiness Also gustaria me which you recommended the group East Village Opera Company because he is spectacular and wonderful.