In any case, I come upon my much neglected blog, only to find some bloody comment spamming. I was momentarily orange with indignance (partially because I am wearing an orange colored jacket), but my "pile" distracted me and left me kinda blue ...
This is hardly what I would call my normal level of "Sunday Sundering" ... but forgive my self-indulgence for one more paragraph before I light up in brilliance and tell you my stance on Iran and Turkey and the state of Democratic Congress. It's the end of October, the leaves leave me breathless in their colorful wonder ... we went to a breathtaking canyon that overlooked paradise
Iran sits itself betwixt Afghanistan and Iraq and Turkey; Turkey borders Iraq and Iran. So in the current state of world affairs all I can say is, "I ran away from the turkey, which had been caught in a rack; this year there's beef for Thanksgiving." Now if you did not find that funny - blame it on "the pile".
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