what, then, is the word then for, "to be able to see both sides"? 'considerate', 'reasonable', 'bifocal', 'ambi-something or the other'? what is so bad about not committing to one of two ways; instead, either seeing both ways OR actually having the depth to consider another perspective altogether. thus i suggest that the word "ambiguous" be redefinded.
so now 'ambitious' could be viewed with aplomb and warmth as well as with skepticism and wariness - because, after all, the word is by nature "ambiguous" and should invoke an undefined feeling of "awe, surprise, stunning possibilities, foreboding", the "who knows" and "que sera sera" sort of 'ambiguous' kind of feeling!
Punxsutawney Phil of Pennsylvania saw his shadow today and has forecasted 6 more weeks of winter. Ambiguously, Gen. Beauregards Lee of Georgia did not see his shadow and an early spring is on its way. That would be ambiguous, except for the simply fact that GA is 3 states south of PA, and it was probably cloudy in PA and sunny in GA, thus the shadow.

Oh, was it ground-hog-day today?
I totally fluked.
What's wrong with "ominous" instead of ambiguous?
Whatever,it doesn't matter to much.
Amibious is still my favorite though.
Hmmm.... The only word I could think of meaning somewhat "both sides" would be "Neutral"?
I know it doesn't mean one side or the other, but perhaps both sides...
The more we look into aspects of life I think the more we realize how much involves ambiguity. I guess the idea one can have any faith at all requires us to experience what it is to reject it which then affirms ones desire to adopt it. Without doubt there can be no faith.
Although modernity introduces more and more contradictions in the form of autonomy versus community, freedom v equality and so on it seems what the rules and customs we live by will change along with the underlying values which support them, an inevitable ambiguity of evolving life principles and ethics.
I think it emphasizes the importance of public and private debate, of what I describe loosely as social capital and the importance of ethical ideas and ideals, not to be a form of moralizing, but rather as a response generated out of love and concern for the wellbeing of others and those with whom we co habitat this planet . Best wishes
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