Tuesday, November 17, 2009

it's deceptive ...

does "deceptively comfortable" mean
it is comfortable, even though one would not normally think so?
it is not comfortable, even though it appears to be?


epikles said...

i'm guessing that, like most buzzwords, it means "ha ha somebody fell for it!"

Equilibrio Global said...

There is no way that could be comfortable :)

Nazli Hardy said...

LOL - there was a time I would have worn that for style - but now, I realize life is too short to trade comfort for such high heels :-)

Cris - you are in the fashion country of the world - I love Ipanemas. Hugs sister.

Nazli Hardy said...

Cris - I sent you and Lo an email. I lost your email and asked Lo to forward to you! it will be good to catch up with you

ciao bella