Thursday, November 12, 2009

toodle-oo Lou, you 'tough guy' you

so long, adieu
bid you farewell Lou
you made my blood boil
our opinions like water and oil
but that's just middle class smack for you


reverb said...

...hello gal,

I just clicked and here I am

-many tough guys are "bland" inside...

Equilibrio Global said...

Nazli, so good to see you writing again! I like the way you wrote this here... I think I should write a verse of my own too :)

Louise said...

Guess we all are here to say we miss you!!

How you've been?


Nazli Hardy said...

Oh my goodness - I feel like I am being welcomed back home by my good friends. That feels awesome! Thanks for the warmth, Lo, Cris and Fernando!

I'll send you an email to catch up with all the exciting news.

The reason Lou aggravates me is his aggressive anti-immigration stance - his lack of compassion for humanity riles me up - but he probably is pretty "bland" inside.

besos and much warmth - expect an email from me soon.

your friend,

Equilibrio Global said...


I look forward to hearing from you! So much has happened in my life, I am back in Brazil now... I'd love to know what's been going on with you!

Nazli Hardy said...

Cris - that's awesome! expect an email from me soon. I too can;t wait to hear what you've been up to. it will be good to catch up