Monday, December 21, 2009

the ideal face ...

...this report by Canadian researchers have coined the term "the golden ratio" to define beauty - in women

the report finds that average women fall within the golden range, yet Angelina Jolie does not (well she is not average, but she is certainly beautiful to most eyes)

Shania Twain measures up to this golden ratio (vertical distance between the eyes and mouth, and horizontal distance between the eyes).  Shania is indeed beautiful, but i don't buy the conclusion of the study

beauty is so assorted, so cultured, so subjectified, so intangible, that a numeric value of parts of the whole, do beauty no justice.

... incidentally, all the subjects were white, which, in my opinion, further speaks to the limited conclusivity of the study since the other races are more representative of the world


epikles said...

I would love to know what the "ideal face" looked liked one hundred thousand years ago!!

Nazli Hardy said...

well said, Tom.
of-course I am all for scientific research (which this article is not), when it comes to beauty, I would defer to the age old "beholder"