Monday, August 21, 2006

Picturesque Monday - under the same blue sky ...

On my way to my office, I looked up at the sky - and it took my breath away - what a beautiful world
Panoramic view of the blue blue sky from two angles
Ronaldo y Rooney
My team, Manchester United, won our first match of the season: 5-1 against Fulham. United Forever!

Oh and bit of "brown" news .

"Suspicious" pair were taken off a plane - no details of their "suspicious" behaviour were revealed (oh come on, don't mind our feelings, admit it - their browness made them suspicious)

Family turned away from London Eye for speaking Arabic (self-preservation or paranoia or pure profiling)

... but on the contrapositive note, the 11 people charged in the alleged transatlantic terror plot are indeed brown

... here is a BBC article with reader comments that is relevant

... and by the way, i went back to the same post office today and was faced with a postal worker sporting a mullet; she was distinctly rude to me and only me out of the 6 people in the line. i stopped smiling and became cold & curt, but then i thought, "how could i allow her to erase my smile and warm manners?" (the word is getting around - there is a brown girl in our all-white town)


epikles said...

In other brown news, Patrick Buchanan's new book is called 'State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America" - but he's not just jumping on the bandwagon. He's been a xenophobic racist for a long time. Still, it's fairly ironic: The barbarian hordes his title intentionally suggests were the Blond Germanic tribes who overthrew the swarthy Romans.

Zee said...

Ha, "brown eyed girl" - (a song from Van Morrison, early stuff, not that exciting)......
keep on being beautifully brown, I love it.
And yes, "color profiling" is absolutely common.
How to avoid it Nazli? I don't know - perhaps dye your hair blonde, but that would be extremely awful.

Nazli Hardy said...

Tom - i read the title and burst out laughing. And your observation is delightful. Can you imagine - and old man who has lived a long life and on his way to "his' heaven worrying about foreigners in America? Seriously

At the same time, unintentionally, he is elevating their status to one that to be reckoned with. That's capitalism - compete and the best of the best wins.

I will read the book- out of 'educational' interest - for the same reason I sometimes watch Bill O'Reilly.

Tom - hope your week has started very well ;-) cheers my friend!

Nazli Hardy said...

Zee my dear friend, i don't think I will ever be able to avoid profiling, just as I will can never avoid being brown.

You are right profiling is common but I am going to do something in life - something good and charming and warm, Zee - so that I can fight against profiling in my own way.

Besides, I think blond hair against my skin tone would alert the fashion police (i am laughing at myself!)

Are you smiling Zee?;-)
Zee ya

Scott Schaffer said...

You were only getting to campus when those jets flew by? Sheesh, sister...I thought I was working the second shift alone.

Anonymous said...

well well,
Many Westerners accustomed by their history books believe that Muslims were barbarous infidels ,find it difficult to comprehend how profoundly their intellectual life has been influenced by muslim scholars in the fields of science,medicine,mathematics,geography and philosophy.Crusaders who invaded the holy land to fight muslims returned to europe with new ideas of love,poetry,chivalry,warfare and government.Their consept of what a university should be was deeply modified by muslim scholars ,who perfected the writing og history who brought to europe much greek learning.
Although ıslam originated in Arabia,today only a small percentage of the worlds muslims are arabians,and less than a quarter speak arabic as their native language.
More than most religions Islam preaches the brother hood of all races colors and nations within its fold.Muhammad himself probably had exactly the same skin coloring as Jesus-A vey sun-tanned white-but today his followers embrace all colors:black men from africa,yellow men from china,brown men from malaya ,white men from turkey.
islam permits no priest hood and because Muhammad had to fight so bitterly against idols,his religion discourages portraiture.Mosques are decorated with geometrical patterns only.
For long periods in history muslim nation strayed far from the sspirit of Muhammad and gloomy darkness settled upon much of islam.If one focuses only upon the worst persian and turkish caliphs one can easily condemn islam a religion that failed but one can find similar dark spots in the history of christianity.If one looks at he enourmous good that islam has achieved ,however,nd particularly if one considers the promise of this religion in the new nations ,one sees the permanent greatness of islam.
Of great importance to theworld is the fact that islam ,as a religion,is unalterably opposed to among muslim society I feel that God is a much greater reality to us than He is to Christians.It is difficult to believe that muslims would willingly surrender their faith to communism which denies His existance.
On the other hand Islam as a society ,is in certain respects closer to communal life than it is to capitalism.
Thus if nations of the west by unwise economic and political moves were to alienate to muslim world or were to permit economic ruin there ı would expect much of islam to embrace communism while attempting secretly to hold on to God.
People of the west will meet numeous problems in the muslim world.But many of them will be softened by a remark that Muhammad made to hs followers:YOU WILL FIND YOUR MOST AFFECTIONATE FRIENDS WILL BE THOSE WHO SAY WE ARE CHRISTIANS.

marcos said...

Let's face the fact that the acceptance to the a brownish way of living is not going to change in the short term in this country.

Nevertheless you have your warmth, kindness, wit, ... and you must never let anyone take them away from you. This is going to rise above any skin colour.

Keep on smiling to the post office lady, dear - this is a powerful weapon against stupidity.

Zee said...

CACO, right on - CANDAN, so so...
Candan you don't get it, by default we are not split anymore into "westerners" and "easterners" because materialism as we know it has swept those distinctions away, both the west and the east has bowed down to this "golden cow". Now we have only "rich and poor", "opressor and opressed." If that is a good thing or not is a story in itself, maybe worth an other post.
One thing I do know though, and your comment supports that view, is that Islam has one flaw not known to most other religions or systems trying to organize people, namely that it tries to serve the the need of religious devotion and at the same time grasps to control statehood and organistional aspects of social life. That kind of "marriage" is doomed to fail in present society.
By the way, Judaism has a simular problem... perhaps it is therefore that clashes in the Middle East are as intense as they play out right now.

Anonymous said...

I know these stupid people won't take away that enchanting smile for long Dr Nazli. I can't blame you for losing it temporarily but I have faith it will always return.

Nazli Hardy said...

Oh Scott - I am superwoman - it's a well kept secret. Just don't tell the people at Senate.

See you on Friday - and maybe tonight depending on how I get on with my Class Rules list.

Sedately Senatorial

Nazli Hardy said...

Candancimmm, merhaba, my beautiful kardesime,how are you? I understand your viewpoint, of-course. It is a hard state of world affairs that challenges what so many base their lives on. It is so personal and so regional and so dear - this question of faith and religion. It has been changing the face of the world for thousands of years. So much so, that an educated man will challenge the right of life to defend the word of a prophet - deeply personal.

For me, Candancimmm, you are a beautiful intelligent passionate person and if you represent Islam, then you represent the best of Islam. I am proud and glad to have you as my sister.

So - hope your week is just fantastic. My classes start next Monday and I have in the office , working till the evening - but I feel your warmth and good thoughts for me. I shall send you an e-mail very soon.

Kucak kucak kucak - my beautiful happy sister.

Nazli Hardy said...

Caco thank you for your lovely kind warmth words! With friends like you - how can a postal lady erase my smile ;-) Thank you and thank you.

Smiling is indeed a powerful weapon, because it an external act that actually changes something within - have you noticed that?

Hope your week is just fantastic! Caco, you are about o start your Spring as we go into our Autumn! Don't be surprised to see us at your doorsteps ;-)


Nazli Hardy said...

Zee! How is your Thursday shaping up? We have covered the ground on your blog, so you know my opinion on this particular topic ...

Meanwhile - I am excitedly waiting for a picture of the sculpture for our Picturesque Monday. You have such a creative career - I wish I had some artisitc ability.

Are you smiling Zee? ;-)
Zee ya

Nazli Hardy said...

Mr Angry - I am beaming in smiles :-) thank you

Besides when I think about dear old Pluto being donwgraded to a dwarf status, i am reminded that I have a lot to smile for. Can't believe we lose our 9th little planet ;-)
