Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wednesday Wanderings ... on Tell Me Why?

when i was 10, i was gifted a book for my birthday called, "The Big Book of Tell Me Why". i read it day and night; it posed and answered quesitons like: "what does a sponge eat?" "how are seashells formed?", "what is pellagra?", "how is fshion decided?", "why is a four-leaf clover considered lucky?"

i would then pose these questions to my 4 year old brother, and since he did not know the answers, i took great care to explain them to him in my best professor voice.

though my small library is now replaced with computer science books and other seemingly grown up cultured material, I wish there was a big book to tell me why:

  • diet coke with lime tastes better than diet pepsi with lime? (drink water, you unhealthy girl)
  • all my favourite foods are fattening? (try living in Bangladesh or Rwanda)
  • i can't have exactly what i want all the time when i want it? (yeah whatever, cry us a river, Nazli)
  • a new planet was not named, Nazli, after me - what kind of name is 2003 UB313 anyway ? (ok, you actually do have a point there)
  • will my hair not grow faster? (now you are just being over-indulgent)
  • does my neighbour Ron, with an 8th grade education, understand what Harvard/Yale educated politicians cannot? (since when do you equate education with intelligence and empathy, Nazli?)
  • the phrase, "i couldn't care less" does not mean, "I care so much that I could not care any less"? (we really couldn't care less, Nazli)
  • it is acceptable to have "black/ asian" magazines and "black/ asian" fraternities and "black/asian" clubs when "white" equivalents would be mired as racism? (now you treading on dangerous ground, you brown girl you)
  • when the "royals" of Saudi Arabia die they are buried as "ordinary" people in an unmarked grave - why humility in death but extravagance in life? (oh Nazli, you are too ordinary to understand royal affairs)
  • do people value the words of dead people who lived thousands of years ago, over the basic needs of poor people who are alive today? (you ask too many questions, Nazli, go braid your hair or weave a basket)

Eye in the Sky - Tell Me Why

Movie Recommendations:
The Green Butchers: Danish movie
with subtitles about 2 butchers who have a "secret" formula for success - healthy sense of humour required ;-)

Music Recommendations:
From Fernando: "Lost Cause" by Beck and "There She Goes" by Bob Marley (great and simple songs)
From Beth: "Whole Other Bottle of Whiskey" by John Corbett

"Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap (good for any mood)

“What Hurts the Most” and "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts (country music at its best)

“Kabhi Khabie” by Lata Mangeshkar & Mukesh (timeless Indian love song)

“Eye in the Sky” by The Alan Parsons Project (I’ve finally discovered this 80’s sensation)


Zee said...

It's there, that book that tells you why! It is your accumulated knowledge throughout all these years.
Sometimes you fail to turn a page, but that doesn't meant that it isn't there.

Or you simply can go back to Dylan and hear him say: "The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind ... "

Zee said...

mean - not "meant"!
mean like in meaningful not vicious ...

Nazli Hardy said...

Zee! How are ya? I actually did read "mean" and not "meant" because my brain chose to read it as such ;-)

Yes, I do know what you mean and ctually I was telling Cris today about the concept of the subconscious mind and how it actually tells us things - if we only choose to hear. Like for example our first thoughts in the morning can be very telling and important. But I am going to read up on it further and address it in the Weekend Wanderings.

Zee - mmmhh that Dylan sure seems like a pretty deep guy ;-)

I know you are smiling Zee - so Zee ya!

Louise said...

Hi, Nazli dear!!!
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" does have a happy ending. And it has several meanings... I'm sure you're gonna like it. At first you may find it a little depressive, but when you get into the story, WOW!!
Muitos beijos, minha amiga!

Anonymous said...

I wrote a whole long comment and lost it:(

i was actually reading your blog when you commented on mine:) serendipity?

anywho, the white clubs won't they be like elite country clubs, congress, the white house? i mean they don't say white, and they might admit a black/brown person here and there...but you get the idea?

not hatin' on any regular white folks...

see now you got my mind racing and am barely awake!

*goes off to braid hair AND weave a basket*

mad peace and cherries to you o brilliant one:)

Jeff said...

Hi Dr. Nazli,

Very awesome questions. I think they all have some validity to them as to "why". I don't know if we can satisfy each question with a "correct" answer but nonetheless we all have our opinions about them.

Very though provoking as usual.

Thank you for the encouragement. I will succeed (i always do when I put my mind to it) and will show the proof when i'm done.

Nazli Hardy said...

Jeff - thanks. Thought provoking maybe - but I felt like making fun of myself too, thus my silly responses to myself ;-) I am sure other people might actually have some valid answers.

And I have no doubt that you going to succeed, Jeff!

See you when you are ready ;-)


Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha - serendipity for sure.

I am laughing in appreciation at your appripos "white house" remark. True that and actually, as you may have picked up, sometimes I write things that are blazingly obvious, yet people never question them for fear of being non-pc. And also i felt the need to laugh at myself too - just so that I don't fall into that danger zone of taking myself too seriously

See Maliha - you are over-ambitious ;-) you are going to braid your hair AND weave a basket - I have just braided my hair and am about to indulge into the basket of cherries to drown my over-indulgence ;-)

No actually, i have to go into the office on this cloudy Friday and prepare for the start of semeser on Monday - so you can see why the braiding of the hair is essential.

braided in our bond

Nazli Hardy said...

Lo, my Dear - it's on my list now!

Only happy endings to you my sunny friend!

Equilibrio Global said...

Nazli - I will check out The Green Butchers, never heard of it but any secret formula to success with sense of humour catches my attention ;-)

What do you mean you only discovered Eye in the Sky now?! I am laughing because it's obvious that you have a very unique taste for music and 80`s top 10 successes are probably not on the list... Eye in the Sky is a classic (well, 80`s classic anyway)...

I love indian music and loved Kabhi Kabhie (just listened to it on itunes...

Fer - thanks for the music recommendations, I listened to them and liked them (as you told me I would)...

Nazli - as for your questions "why", I ask that everyday about many things, even my 7 yr old niece told me to stop asking why :-)

Anonymous said...

nazlıcımmmm came to visit you but got stuck at mail box take me out of there please:)

Anonymous said...

as ı am stuck now couldnot make an comments for now maybe later:)

Nazli Hardy said...

Candancimmmm! see you later my kardesime!! ;-)

kucak kucak & kucak


Nazli Hardy said...

Cris - you always make me laugh! See I missed you when you were on vacation!

ok - I love 80's music which is why i cannot understand how i could have missed something as splendid as "eye in the sky" - I am making up for it now as I sing along in the car (feel free to laugh at the image ;-))

Actually you were one of the people I thought wuld like Green Butchers because you have teh send of humour to see it lightly - there were moments I burst out laughing while also aware that maybe I shouldn't ...

i liked Fer's recommendartions too

Oh and the translation for the song kabhie kabhie is so romantic!

the warmest wishes to you Cris - so gald you are back!!!


Zee said...

... and I like when you braid your hair, and I also like Alan Parson's Project.
Used to cruse an old Volvo through Swiss tunnels while listening to those tunes in the beginning 80's
Times change, now I prefer Gogol Bordello and the like (besides all the other good stuff).

reverb said...

...lets see zee early ´80 s Volvos are great cars. still are

and the car now is old or old in that time?

...yes Dr Nazli, have a beautiful hair

...sorry, I never liked A P P

...great that you and Crist liked those songs

Anonymous said...

I think its important to ask questions. If we lose our sense of curiosity about the world we stagnate.

I'm constantly asking why...although lately it seems to be more in a sense of "Why is this happening to ME?"

Still, it's all part of life's ebb and flow.