Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Picturesque Monday ...


Anonymous said...

hmmm...a reflective piece on silence and emptiness...I feel this.

Deep Dr. Nazli:)

How goes your first day?

Zee said...

Oh yeah, it's a depressing rainy Monday ... but your classes went well, all that adrenaline pumped up, the fine dark locks around your face, a somewhat intelligent presentation and then the charisma of doing something new.
You must be happy.

Are you happy Nazli?
Zee ya -

epikles said...

now the art of commenting on nothing!

marcos said...

I hope the picture is on its way...

In the meantime, anyone for the BlogDay? Information available at my blog. Cheers.

Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha! Salamaat! Your observation was so profound that instead of facing up to the truth - that I was too distracted to post the picturesque pictures - I am going to take your lead and celebrate the peace of the "reflective piece of silence and emptiness"!

Your comment made me laugh - and I leave the posting as is! Here is to you Maliha, one a billion!

My day has been wonderful and exciting and I am convinced that it is Thursday, but the students assure me I am mistaken ...

And yours my friend? I am on my way to visit the Lightness of Being!


Nazli Hardy said...

Zee - I wish the world saw me through your eyes! Thank you!

Yes I am so happy Zee. Thank you. Not that I have wealth or game - but simply being alive makes me joyful.

It is overcast here and rain doth fall, but I walked into class and the students smiled and laughed and knew their class motto "I love this class" and it's hard not to feel sunny!

And you! I know you are smiling! I just know it! You best be smiling Zee!

Zee Ya soon at the Sun bursting with gems!

Nazli Hardy said...

Tom - if Seinfeld can be Seinfeld by making a TV show on nothing, well ... one can't blame a girl on trying "nothing" too ... ;-)

See now I really cannot post anything - what with this art of nothing I ahve created ;-)

How are you Tom? I am liking the super graphics!


Nazli Hardy said...

Caco - I shall not disappoint - and will have pictures for Wednesday Wandering - because as you see there is an art festival going on "nothing" :-)

I sahll be visitng Blog Day - so excited to see what it is about!

Thanks for the recomemndations - they will be up today on Wedesday Wanderings!

Caco - hope you are shining!