Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday Sunderings ... waspy fashionistas

There is a wasp in my apartment. It has flown about since last Wednesday. It even sat on my shoulder today for a few seconds before flying onto my laptop screen where it crawled leisurely, stopping only to critique the spelling mistakes underlined in red. I have a wasp for a pet. I am not sure what to feed it, and it seems too polite to help itself. The next step will be to name it.

Manchester United won 2-1 against Watford, keeping my beloved team at the top of the charts!

I was skimming through my monthly dose of fashion magazines littered with glittering girls and one of the adverts for a perfume claimed, "lovely on the inside”. Wow, these magazines have a sense of style and humour too!

The Fall colours, according to InStyle are as follows:
fair skin - "monochromatic palette of steely blues & city grays illuminated with dusty lavenders"
olive skin - "smoky, haunting, poetic forest of grays, plums and mosses"
dark skin - "punctuate fall's deep romantic hues with pieces in black"

This semester, starting Monday, one of the classes I teach has 75 students. Usually it is 25-35 students - so I am naively excited ;-) ;-)

The most unlikely person - one for whom I have no respect - reminded me of something I needed to remember - on magnetism and market value and perception.

Received an e-mail today about this dashing, lively young man of 37 who was pursuing his personal passion of marine biology; he perished in the waters off the coast of Melbourne Beach while diving to capture the greatly elusive sea turtle. Reading about him is simultaneously heart-breaking and uplifting.

Who said the following:
"Whenever there is the possibility of an invasion, people unite and forget about their political criticism. I am sure you cannot impose human rights through falling bombs."


Joe Tornatore said...

my most uninvited houseguest, the wasp. watched V for Vendetta tonight. Now I know why you wanted me to see it. And yes, you are the first person to unlock the riddle of my blog. As many ironies that come my way and that I write about, I like V paradoxically believe there are no coincidences that meaning cannot be derived from. A clever woman like you has a PHD, no doubt.

Nazli Hardy said...

Joe - agreed on the coindidence - or lack of. So glad you see why "V for Vendetta" is a favourite movie! I must purchase the DVD.

Your blog is a must-read when I need a dose of humilty and intelligence and perspective!

As for the PhD - believe me, some of the greatest lessons I have learnt ... in my relentless pursuit of being alive ... had nothing to with the PhD at all. In fact, I probably wouold have learnt thema lot sooner had I not been engorssed in library books :-) But at least it decorates the resume.

So wonderful to see you on my blog, joe - as Tom would understand - blogeuphoria!


reverb said...

...Nazli, I like the " least it decorates the resume" sentence

Nazli Hardy said...

Fernando, encantada ... ;-)

Zee said...

,,, the Iranian Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi said that I suppose.

marcos said...

Good luck with your students - they will love you. Be inspiring.

I came across this flickr fellow and thought of you:
Check it out when you have time.

marcos said...

Funny my profile changed! The above 'marcos' is me: Caco. Duh!

Nazli Hardy said...

Zee - full marks! Indeed it is the fearless Nobel Peace Laureate, Shirin Ebadi. In fact for this Fearless Friday, I shall have to do a piece on her.

Hope your week ahead is great! Keep smilin' and shinin' ;-)

Zee ya

Nazli Hardy said...

Caco - I obviously knew it was you! Come on now ;-)

Thanks - it is always fun to walk into a new class, especially when the students are not quite expecting me ;-)

I looked through the flickr photos and Caco, I really appreciate your warm and lovely opinion of me - I notice it and I am touched by it.

Thank you and thank you - and have a splendid week ahead. I am sure you touch many people with your warmth


Zee said...

Hey Nazli, this is just a Beta Test comment. Need to know if they or I am in control, or nobody.....
Thanks for your patience.

Anonymous said...

75 students! You must promise to keep us posted on how the semester progresses.

Anonymous said...

how exciting:) 75 students!!! I love academia so much that the onset of Fall season makes me really nostalgic for school again.

my teen sis; in high school; does think i am completely insane of course:)

Nazli Hardy said...

Zee - that just made me laugh! The Beta Test Blogger is rather cool!

Your daughter is sweet, beautiful, lovely - in the superlative!


Zee ya!

Nazli Hardy said...

Mr. Angry - I am on my way to the 75-student class in a few minutes! So excited.

Cheers ;-)

Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha! Salamaat! Good Day to you! You are nostalgic for academe? Come and join my class. You have an option of the 75-student morning class or the 27-student afternoon class later in the afternoon. You are welcome to both, of-course - though I am sure you could teach me more than I you ;-)

See you in class - oh and bring your sister too ;-)


Anonymous said...

You know, the colours never change season to season, they just adjust the wording.

I'm fair and as far as I can remember I've been told to wear steely blues, grays and lavenders. I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Congratulations on your high class uptake, thats good - we need more people with your wisdom in this world!

Nazli Hardy said...

Beth - how are you?? Exactly! Isn't it funny - same things every season rewored. Similar to the bizarre fashion! Wo wears those feathered dresses??

Well - I tend to go with teh olive tone colours and as you said, if it ain't broke ...

Wonderful to see you my beautiful fair blonde friend. How is your job going?

Calss was great! I had such a wonderful time and I will jot down my little adventures of the day shortly! Believe you me, I have the greatest doubts in my wisdom, but I appreciate your good opinion of me!:-)

Smoking & haunting in "poetic forest of grays, plums and mosses"

Equilibrio Global said...

Nazli, so glad to hear your class went well!!! I went for an acupuncture session today and my acupuncturist/ex-professor asked me if I was ready for the beginning of class next Tuesday... I!!! hahaha... but the truth is I will be glad to get back :-)

I am looking forward to hearing all about your adventures and send me the e-mail when you have time (don't worry about it!!)...

Big kiss and hugs,


Anonymous said...

hope your class went well with all tahat crowd gosh:)
what coincidence ı have this wasp with its nest behind my living room curtain.lived there a season after it had let ı had to take the nest out yes she was really a pet was flying all over the house etc.then ı have this spider from that jumping ones she is everywhere hoppydy hop:)
kardeşinden sevgiler vede öpücükler
sent you an another e mail.

Nazli Hardy said...

Cris- Hi - big hugs and kiss to you!

Class was great - I'll blog about it today. But also, it was great connecting with you yesterday and sharing a laugh about this and that. BTW - I think the "subconscious" theory is worth a try. What do you think?

Meanwhile - don;t even think about school, enjoy this weeka nd the long weekend and until you step foot into class, it's still Summer holidays!

Nazli Hardy said...

Candancimmm, my beautiful sister! I just saw your e-mail! What lovely views! I love them. They look like a vacation resort. I wish I was there having bubble tea with my sister!

I am lauhgign about your wasp nest - oohh but that spider sounds overactive.

Sadly I have not seem my wasp in the last two days. I shall wait a few more hours before declaring it missing.
kardeşinden sevgiler vede öpücükler ;-)

Your sister, Nazlicinnnn