Friday, September 08, 2006

The Fearless, The Fabulous, The Friday!

work in progress ...


Anonymous said...

on the edge of my seat; teeth chattering; i wait.

peace n' scrumptiousness to you:)

Anonymous said...

I think thats exactly what life is - a work in progress.

Zee said...

Today is already Saturday, tomorrow Sunday - next week we will having this phenomena all over again. What is your favorite day of the week Nazli, or does it all depend on your mood and actual circumstances?

Anonymous said...

"Nazli, Nazli wherefore art thou Nazli?"

Nazli Hardy said...

Salamaat - beautiful, sincere warm Maliha. I was discovering and rediscovering ...

thank you thank you and the world of delicious peace to you everyday!


Nazli Hardy said...

Beth - isn't life so wonderful :-)

Hey - wonderful days to you, any day!


Nazli Hardy said...

Zee - my favourite day of the week is today.

Zee, what is your favourite day of the week?
Does it matter to the strong or the meek
That the world is so temporary and perception so weak?
What matters the journey or the peak?

Hey Zee - I know you are smiling!
So zee ya!

Zee said...

Your favorite day today, when is today???

Mine is Monday because I have pity with all those people who curse that day. Someone has to "pick up" up that day - wouldn't you agree?