Friday, September 15, 2006

Still the Fearless, Still the Fabulous ... Friday

Perhaps I could consider this to be the worst year of my life because the losses are irrecoverable, and the sources of disappointment continually unbelievable. But in fact it is simply the best year of my life, because I discovered what is worth everything in the world to me. That's pretty sexy!

The lessons are too many. But a most critical one being that my instincts are unbendingly supreme. I second guessed myself, conceded to the illusions, ignored the obvious signs, believed the self-righteousness defensiveness disguised in goodness. But alas I see now ... Isolated it would matter not, but in context, smashed my rose tinted glasses and the heart.

Perhaps I could consider that I am a fool - and I am sometimes - but so what ... ? I am a fool for myself, and that's sexy!

On a more essential note, have I mentioned the 3-day Human Rights Symposium we are organizing at the University? In particular I work with the team responsible for the politics and ethics of intervention in human rights – can you imagine how thrilled I am?

Classes are fantastic! Some of the newer students, not familiar with academic protocol, refer to me as “Miss”. Normally I would expect “Dr” at the very least, but given that this is obviously the year of reckoning for me, I realize how unimportant protocol and perception is in the face of basic humanness. I walk out of class on such a delighted high. What does a title matter to the elation of earned respect?

So today is my Fearless Friday again and I am going to win it – rain or shine, mortal or divine.
I could give up on anything in the world, but never on my relentless pursuit of being alive. What a year. What? You say it’s only September?

… and of-course my best friend from college, Kelly, is coming to visit for the weekend. Friday is bluegrass (do you know what bluegrass is ? :-)), Sunday is golfing, Saturday is anything revolving! Please do have a wonderful weekend!

Music Recommendation
"Cosi" by Vittorio Grigolo: it reaches me
"Sun Zara Soniye" by Sonu Nigam

Movie Recommendation:
Can't think of any, off-hand - feel free to suggest :-)

Picturesque AnyDay:

My 'artistic' panoramic rendition of the Philadelphia Museum of Art


Anonymous said...

Have a great time with your friend!! I will hopefully be buried in my books as I have been lazy the last two weeks and I am actually excited to LEARN... Better enjoy that feeling before it leaves... haha.

Have a great time with Kelly!! Tell us what you got up to, ok?

Hugs and kisses,


Nazli Hardy said...

Cris! Como estas? You are excited to learn? Come to my class.

Yes - I will let you know about Kelly's visit :-)

Huge hugs and kisses to you Cris! So nice to see you and I will be dropping by your blog shortly - in fact, I will have Kelly drop by too!

Cheers for now and have a fearless Friday too!


Anonymous said...

...Nazli, I recommend 3 films:
-ROMA (Spain/Argentina production)
super nice film

very good one

well, all we know..

cheers baby

Nazli Hardy said...

Fer - como estas? I have watched 'Malena'. 'Roma' and 'Cinema Paradiso' will be on my list.

have the best Friday ever! :-)


Anonymous said...

For a film, I recommend High Fidelity. Its one of the few that I can watch endlessly. It highlights human nature to a tee.

I understand all to well the pitfalls of ignoring your gut instinct. I plan on trying harder not to in future.

Glad you're feeling positive. After all, life is too short not to.

Nazli Hardy said...

Beth - "High Fidelity" - is that the one with Cusak? Another one on my list then.

Yes - instinct. The experience enriched me, but at least it was not too late to accept that my instincts were correct.

Indeed life is so short,I do feel happy and remain in love with life. Raw but positive all the same in the relentless pursuit of being alive.

Beth - come over and watch the blue grass show with my friends tonight. Do you know what blue grass is? :-) You would enjoy it!

Cheers Beautiful Girl!

Joe Tornatore said...

Miss Dr,
i love reading your writing. It conjures up the essence of being human.

marcos said...

Pleasureable post - nothing to comment on its beauty. 100% agreement with Joe.
Bluegrass? Yep, I've watched 'O brother where art thou'. Could it be a movie recommendation?
Music - Callas on La Wally aria 'Ebben? Ne andrĂ² lontana'. Over and over.
Hope life has been treating you well. enjoy your week.

Nazli Hardy said...

Dear Joe - thank you. I feel human when my heart aches, when it delights in joy, when it does not understand, when it does not care, when it will not listen, when it withstands, when it exceeds my expectation - i feel so human.

Thank you again :-)
Miss Dr.

Nazli Hardy said...

Caco! How are you? It is blogeuphria to see you and as always your words are warm and kind for me.

I shall post all of your movie recommendations on Wednesday Wanderings. Do you have any pictures for Picturesque Monday?

Caco - may this week be as warm and generous and kind to you as you are to it!

Peace and wonderful things to you.