Monday, September 04, 2006

Maybe Monday I'll ...

... update my calendar with my weekly, bi-weekly, monthly meetings
... write the thank you notes and overdue greetings
... send the card to Susan, overdue by 3 years
... prepare the abstract, heads and spears
... map - with alternates
... schedule work dates
... compose the letter
... be a trendy setter
... make that call
... forgive but never forget the fall

this weekend I came across a quote engraved on a stone

I had read it long before, but this time it shone:
"Let me do all the good I can, to all the people I can, as often as I can, for I shall not pass this way again"
this weekend of sunny rain


Anonymous said...

So long as you keep your blog posts up Dr Nazli :)

Anonymous said...

how meaningful that quote is
with all my love

Nazli Hardy said...

oh Mr Angry - what happened to the days when i blogged twice a day? i want them back!

thank you and good cheer to you!


Nazli Hardy said...

Candancimm, merhaba!

It is lovely - I just wish I remembered it every moment!

millions of kucaks to you my sister


Anonymous said...

"for i shall not pass this way again..."

that's so sad.


take care Nazli :)

Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha - Salamaat. Laughing with you;_) How are you? Great to see you.

ok - the next posting is going to be spectaculalry lively! As soon as I get through my Thursday!

peaches and peaces to you!


Anonymous said...

sent you an e card please do check
billions of kucak kardeşime

Equilibrio Global said...

I've been trying to post all week but have been getting error messages, so let's see if now it goes through!!

I hope you got everything done Nazli, 'cause I didn't ;-)

Loved the saying, great thing to live by, but easier said than done, right?

Have a great weekend!!

Nazli Hardy said...

Candancimm! Merhaba my sister - I am about to check this very minute! But thank you in advance - and all the warmth and the best wishes to you Candancimm!


Nazli Hardy said...

Thanks Cris! How was your weekend? Very good I hope. It is raining here tonight - and I am just loving it!

Cheers for now
