Friday, September 15, 2006

The Pope

"God," the emperor, as the pope quoted, said, "is not pleased by blood -- and not acting reasonably is contrary to God's nature."

How is it re


Zee said...

Why do we even notice?
Why do we take notice?

If we do, we are ourselves stuck in a perpetual dhimitude or obligation.

If we are free we just smile and say: I've outgrown that bullshit.
Spirituality belongs to me -- not to the pope, not to an ihman, not to any other spiritual wannabe, not to any priest.

Anonymous said...

...Zee, Amen

Anonymous said...

is your post missing something?

i hope you are doing well Nazli :)

peace n' a slice of cake for you:)

Nazli Hardy said...

Zee - what you say should be pasted to every heart. I am touched and in complete agreement. I love it! "Spirituality belongs to me!"

You better be smiling Zee :-):-)
Zee ya

Nazli Hardy said...

Fernando - claro que si!

Ciao amigo

Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha - Slamaat. I did not realize I had a one line blog - I was about to write, the day caught up ...

And then he apologized and my diatribe would have seemed too self-righteous and mundane.

You beautify my blog Maliha

Every piece of peace to you everyday! Have a wonderful week ahead!