Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wednesday Wanderings ...on "the Big Bang or the Big God"

Yesterday we went to a presentation at the University by Dr. Jobe Martin on "The Big Bang or the Big God". While I am eager to learn different viewpoints, I was rather taken back at the way he handled the Q&A session. He made some good points for creationism, using science where it suited the argument, yet dismissing science when it countered his argument. A small example; he deems that dinosaurs existed along with man - because according to Genesis (as accepted by Jews, Christians, Muslims), God created the world within 6 days. One of the students asked why there have been no human skeletal remains found within carnivorous dinosaurs. Good question, but no good answer.

Another asked why he was relying on a changing book to explain the natural world. Because it is the word of God and it has not changed, was his general answer.

Chris, who has a doctorate in Biology (evolutionary), kindly excused several inconsistencies in the presentation and only noted politely that Darwin wrote at the end of his "The Origin of Species ..." that he believed in God. Dr. Martin retorted that Darwin did not really believe in God and "salvation". Obviously he knew Darwin personally. I inquired about the geocentric claims of the Bible, as opposed to the heliocentricity of our solar system. He basically implied that perhaps from the outer galaxies, the sun could be revolving around the Earth.

Dr. Martin did say that according to the Bible, there is only one race - the human race. I respect that very much. I am open to Science and Academia, and Faith, and Feeling, and Intuition, and the Holy Books etc. I am open to the fact that I do not know much, but I am not open to blind close-mindedness.

There is nothing that can define the Creator of the Universe by any formula. Faith is distinct from self-righteous definitions. I think defining God by any book or by the word of man, limits God. What does man know, anyway? We cannot even stop fighting wars during a temporary time on Earth, let alone define the Creator of the unending universe. There is indeed something between Heaven and Earth - in fact there is a whole universe of galaxies and stars and unimaginable unknowns. The possibilities are endless and so exciting! The Creator of the Universe, is magnificent beyond the limiting description of man. So Big Bang or Big God - why does one preclude the other? Both require faith, and actually, as humans, we don't really know, therefore, in a sense we all are reyling on the application of some faith in something.

Here is to the relentless pursuit of knowledge... !

Quote Recommendation on the pursuit of Knowledge:
"The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr." "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave." "The best form of worship is the pursuit of knowledge." "Scholars should endeavor to spread knowledge and provide education to people who have been deprived of it. For, where knowledge is hidden it disappears.": Prophet Mohammed

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind": Albert Einstein

Further quotes on the pursuit of knowlege

Music Recommendation: "Suspicious Minds" - Elvis Presley, "Woman" - John Lennon, "I've Been Thinking About You" - Damae & Londonbeat

Movie Recommendation:


Zee said...

I am "wandering" with you, can't you tell?

Anonymous said...

awesome and beautiful and perfectly on point.

I was nodding the whole way through.

Why couldn't the original creative spark have been the big bang that triggered all of evolution?

In both direction it takes a quantum leap of faith; to believe.

Kheir, peace and pink bubbles to you (i am carrying a pretty pink phone... is that girly enough?) :)

Nazli Hardy said...

Zee - I can feel it! :-)

Zee ya!

Nazli Hardy said...

Maliha - Salamaat! Thanks! I am in awe of the universe and feel so happy and alive and free to know that I am creatd as part of the unimaginable universe - thus to me the Creator has no bounds and I remain in absolute awe.

So so glad you get what I was trying to say. Actually the 99 names cover much of what my mere human soul can grasp.

Oh my goodness - pink phone, blubbles and kheir? Only my soul sister would know! Pink sparkles, and pretty butterflies and beauteous peace - and kheir - to you beautiful Maliha!


reverb said...

...for me there s no way in such a vast Universe, that us are the only creatures...

Equilibrio Global said...

I am not sure what I believe to be true, I honestly think that the universe is a mystery, a mystery that is not meant to be solved but just accepted.

As for the music recommendation... I had a Londonbeat CD haha... now I am singing "I've been thinking about you" in my head :-)

Joe Tornatore said...

you are an interesting person. that presentation is my idea of fun too but we are probably the minority.

Nazli Hardy said...

Oh Joe - "interesting" from you is a high compliment. Thanks. I find your perspectives and stories very interesting too. As for fun - I am just reading an article on what makes man different from apes - too muh fun for one day!

Cheers for now Joe

Nazli Hardy said...

Cristiana! How are you my friend? "I've been thinking about you" is a pretty catchy beat. When i first heard the original song I did not like it at all and thought it was a bit irritating - ironic I like it now. Either I have regressed or progressed.

As for the universe and it's mystery - I am forever in awe and fascination.

Have a fascinating week ahead. Hope your classes are going really well.

Hugs and kisses

Nazli Hardy said...

Fernando - exactly. And to think that only humans inhabit an Earth in a solar system that shows up as a dot in the galaxy is myopic.

Fernando, hope all is well with you. Cheers for now


Aisha said...

that really made me think!
i like your blog by the way :)