So tonight I was invited to an Interfaith banquet. There were people from all faiths who started with the celebration of the breaking of the fast. I sat at a random table with Christians, Jews and Muslims, before which I had flitted about introducing myself to perfectly lovely strangers.
After dinner, which was a splendid affair, there were 4 speakers: the Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim perspective. This was then followed by representives of the 2 Senatorial candidates, Bob Casey and Rick Santorum. Oi vey, Religion and Politics ...
The Jewish perspective mentioned that Islam borrowed the tradition of fasting from the Jewish people and made reference to the Day of Atonement - this to show the similarities of the 2 religions. He then chided the general populace for not causing an uproar against the pronoucements of Dr. Ahemedinejad.
The Muslim perspective agreed that indeed Islam was an extension, in many ways, of Judiasm and Christianity.
The Christian perspective spoke of brotherhood and love - and referenced the support after the recent tragic shootings in the Amish town.
The speaker I applauded the most - because it encompassed the concept of interfaith & humanity - was the Hindu perspective. He spoke about what was close to my heart. We should not "tolerate" diversity - we should "value" diversity. He uses the example; what if you returned to your room mate who said to you, "I tolerate you", how would you feel? He also referenced Mahatma Ghandi who when asked by Christians what he would have them do replied to the effect, "help the Muslims be better Muslims, help the Hindus be better Hindus, help the Jews be better Jews, and we will help you be better Christians".
Lovely night, lovely food, lovely talks, lovely people - but do you know what I came back with? The affirmation with which my parents had brought me up, "God-created man is greater than man-created religion". It's humanity that matters. I feel more than ever that life is short, so short, and I just want to live while I am alive - a happy, simple, lovely life with people who matter to me. So much to do, so much to see ... what a wonderful world! I really am so happy to be alive.
After dinner, which was a splendid affair, there were 4 speakers: the Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim perspective. This was then followed by representives of the 2 Senatorial candidates, Bob Casey and Rick Santorum. Oi vey, Religion and Politics ...
The Jewish perspective mentioned that Islam borrowed the tradition of fasting from the Jewish people and made reference to the Day of Atonement - this to show the similarities of the 2 religions. He then chided the general populace for not causing an uproar against the pronoucements of Dr. Ahemedinejad.
The Muslim perspective agreed that indeed Islam was an extension, in many ways, of Judiasm and Christianity.
The Christian perspective spoke of brotherhood and love - and referenced the support after the recent tragic shootings in the Amish town.
The speaker I applauded the most - because it encompassed the concept of interfaith & humanity - was the Hindu perspective. He spoke about what was close to my heart. We should not "tolerate" diversity - we should "value" diversity. He uses the example; what if you returned to your room mate who said to you, "I tolerate you", how would you feel? He also referenced Mahatma Ghandi who when asked by Christians what he would have them do replied to the effect, "help the Muslims be better Muslims, help the Hindus be better Hindus, help the Jews be better Jews, and we will help you be better Christians".
Lovely night, lovely food, lovely talks, lovely people - but do you know what I came back with? The affirmation with which my parents had brought me up, "God-created man is greater than man-created religion". It's humanity that matters. I feel more than ever that life is short, so short, and I just want to live while I am alive - a happy, simple, lovely life with people who matter to me. So much to do, so much to see ... what a wonderful world! I really am so happy to be alive.
Oh and I also tried to colour my hair - spontaneous decision in the middle of the afternoon. Perhaps I was inspired but the Autumn colours. Let's put it this way, the results of "Brazilian Brown Prismatic Color" is such that my dark hair is as dark as ever! No one will notice any change and therefore I will have to tell people, "excuse me, I know you cannot tell, but I did colour my hair, prismatically in fact, thanks."
Music Recommendations: anything Brazlian (Caco, Cristiana ?) ... :-)
Movie Recommendations: "City of God": set in Brazil on Brazilian gang life - so vivid that you can feel actually feel the heat and the desperation and the life ...
I look forward to seeing a picture after the 'extreme makeover'. Cheers.
how are you haven't seen you for a long time busy I think ,
drop by for a piece of cake :))))))
Caco - voila!
Merhaba kardeşim! Candancimmmm, a piece of cake will be just perfect. I shall fly over in time for Iftaar! Sorry I have not visited in a while. I will do so - but you must remember that I am sister and I am always sending you my best wishes and happiest thoughts always. Ok? How are you? So nice to see you!
kucak kucak kucak and every wonderful wonder to you!
Your kardeşim, Nazlicinnn
Oh, what a wonderful dinner it must of been Nazli!! I would so much have loved to hear them. I love anything that is related to humanity :-)
As for music recommendations, I will leave that up to Caco as I am sure he knows music much more than I do... Personally, I would go with anything by Caetano Veloso, who I consider to be a great composer, but there is also Tom Jobim, who made beautiful music... I could go on and on as Brazilian music is so diverse and wonderful!! Louise can help out too :-)
City of God is a very powerful film... I have rented a documentary called "Favela Rising" that is also Brazilian, will tell you about it once I see it.
Very good post - I also like the Hindu approach as stated by you - the difference between just tolerating and and or valuing each other ...
Nazli, I have a whispering smile - OK?!
My present days of "fasting" are such, that I discipline myself not to comment on either politics or religion.
We'll see what will come about that.
Stay joyful, L
Quick music recommendation: as the weekend is just around the corner, here is a song to cheer you all up: "Já sei namorar" by Tribalistas.
Yes, Bossa Nova is cool but let's dare to try something a little bit more modern, upbeat and youthful.
Doc dear, few people would be able to join a group like this over dinner - Kofi Annan would not - and manage to keep them all alive at the end of the night! It sounds as though you had a fantastic time and made me wish to have been part of it. Thanks for sharing the experience.
Cheers and stay brilliant.
awww what fitting company for a gorgeous soul.
I love that "tolerating" comment; it's awesome. And Ghandi just rocks :) He is an enlightened, inspired man..may his soul rest in peace.
Take care of your gorgeousness; peace and rainbows to you:)
PS: I think the hair coloring result is a message that your beauty needs no enhancement:)
PPS: I highlighted my hair a dramatic coppers/reds it looks just great :) and autumn like:)
...very good, but very difficult...
Nazli, do you receive my musical recommendations?
Candancimm my dear kardesime - Happy Birthday! Many Many Happy returns of the day! Did you do anything for your birthday? Thank you for your comment :-)
Fernando - no I did not receive your recommendations? Did you send to my e-mal address?
Caco - thanks and thanks! How are you my friend? Me - coming out of a busy week and loving it! You would have loved the dinner! It was very international and universal.
I will place your music recommendations today on Wednesday Wanderings. Thanks :-)
You stay as universal and wonderful as you are!
Zee - ok :-)! Whispering smile? That is the most subtly vivid imagery. The dinner was an event that I thought most people on the fearless blog wouldhave enjoyed.
I think most of us are intolerant of being just "tolerant".
As for the fasting on politics and religion - being in education that is a good fast to have. To convey knowledge in a fair manner, while trying to inspire students to think beyond the boundaries - yet to also keep personal philosophies out of it. Good fast.
Hey Zee - I can hear the smile now - so you keep smiling because the world and I smile back at you.
Zee ya!
Cristiana (I have to use your full name since Cristobal is also Cris). My Dear, how was Favela Rising? Did you like it? You definitely would have enjoyed the dinner. In fact, I wish the fearless bloggers could all get together for dinner and take on the world! Love it!
How is school going? Did you go for that "thing" fearlessly?
Thanks for the music recommendation, I will place it on the Wednesday Wanderings today!
Huge hug and kiss to you! :-)
Maliha Maliha - Salamaat and endless sunshine to you. What a beautiful redheaded autumn girl you are - lighting the world with your beauty!
Tahnk you and thank you. You know, I forgot I colored my hair because it remains quite the same much to my amusement. In fact, I will have to change my profile picture to make the point.
Maliha - how are you? I wish you and your family a peaceful, insightful, beautiful, soulful ramadhan. Wishing you all the blessings and good things in the world. And i know you pay it forward from all of your "senseless acts of beauty" and kindness everyday.
As for the Interfaith dinner - it is so your thing. It was hosted by RedRose Foundation - a Turkish group. Have you heard of them?
Peaces and brilliant autumn leaves to our brilliant Maliha
I found your blog through links of links. Anyway, great post! I personally agree we should VALUE diversity, except I refuse to be tolerant of intolerance. I believe in multi-culturalism up to a point.
As far as music - check out Magic Dirt, I love them!
Red Tulips - I will check out Magic Dirt for sure :-)
So glad you found my blog - it's great to come across people who exercise the freedom to think.
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