From the age of 5 to 17, I grew up in redistribution”. They practised racism, inhumanity, and injustice at their heights. And the world watched – but let’s not blame the West only. How about other African countries? They gave Mugabe their silent support. In particular, the South African premier, Mbeki, he who does not believe in AIDS, seems to empathize with Mugabe. (cartooon from: www.sokwanele.com)
The group Dispatch is holding a 3 day concert at
On Tuesday I went running with the running club. There was a 3 mile and 7 mile run; naturally I went with the 3 mile route. I thought I was doing just fine until a lady with a limp and a 67 year old man overtook me. Here is a picture of part of the route - hey at least I kept under the sped limit.
In humanity and humilty,
Nazli, I sent you an email... Has it changed?
may be you re right
but normally the Countries or societies had been down decades before some specific problem that starts the burndown
The situation in many african countries is so heart breaking. How can any president tell off another when all of them are corrupt on so many different levels?
The running anecdote made me laugh...always good to remain safe and under the speed limit :)
Peace and showers of Friday blessings your way :)
Hola Cris,
Yes - I just read the e-mail. I have not checked that account for ages now! Mmmh - in response to your e-mail - why did you not behave?? Read that book. But you mentioned everything is good - right?
Things with me are good. I know it looked as though I disappeared (I supoe I did) but the hiatus was due to school and life. Not a good excuse - so I am back!
Huge hug to my dear friend!
What up??
I see what you are saying - and I actually think you are right. Probably we do not see the signs until they actually became visible on a large scale - easier to assume things are good.
You behave yourself :-)
Maliha - Salamaat - my dear soul sister
I write to you and breathe deeply - because it's pure peace.
I was thinking about the beauty of prayer - the serenity of being in the moment and surrendering to the being alive.
Thank you - peace and sernerity and absolute beauties of Friday to you.
I was puzzled in relation to Richard Mugabe’s horrific corruption of your beloved country having regard to his education and early mentoring. It seems incongruent knowing of his past Oxford University background that he would traverse this isolationist road to become consumed by power and personal wealth to the extreme detriment of those he seeks to represent. Consequently I am very interested in your views, concluding perhaps sadly his regime simply represents yet another distasteful aspect of human nature; consumed by an “ecstasy in power and violence”.
His promise to overthrow the oppression of colonisation with a fairer society has bankrupted the country. Nevertheless other African leaders are not inclined to condemn, instead they remain sympathetic to this corrupt regime which continues to pose under the ruse of freedom fighters.
For whilst I have the utmost respect for different cultures and differing world views, for the most part what is moral and immoral is universally apparent. Nature and the land and its people can only go foreword in harmony within a respected covenant sealed with generous warm hearts with respect for human and all life. There is no excuse for his actions or those of his corrupt regime or any others similar anywhere.
You would be interested to know when I was last conversing with a Malawian I was informed they have for the first time in more than 10 years a surplus of maize, so much so that what is left of last years crop is currently being exported to Zimbabwe. I have put a link in to your blog.
Best wishes
So sad what has happened in Zimbabwe.
The saddest thing is that the world does not care.
at least you can run. tortoise pass me during fire drills.
Hello Red Tulips,
The rest of the world cares.
I am Nigerian and I have just written a short historical fiction on the misrule of Zimbabwe under Muagbe and the blog is http://byebyemugabe.blogspot.com/ and the story will be distributed on Amazon Shorts soon.
Others from different parts of the world are worried and are blogging, reporting and writing on the agonies of the victims of the ruthless dictator in Zimbabwe.
We have discussed the senile dementia of President Robert Mugabe on the New York Times forums since 2005 to date.
One fine day, Zimbabweans will say, "Bye bye Mugabe".
We bear with you.
Cheers and God bless.
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