... my drink of choice is diet coke with lime ... thus I was carrying one into the office in preparation for a long day of paper writing. The can fell and the bottom bulged out. It will not stand, so the open can is perched against the wall and speaker, ready to fall and soak my desk of papers any moment! ... precarious...
... chocolate covered orange peel sets my blood on fire ... that is precarious for the blood, wouldn't you say? There is a love poem in every packet - if you ask me, it's a bit off - even precarious to one who is reciting it... ... went running yesterday, 5 miles on trail, along a lake, through fields of wild flowers and steep hills - nothing precarious about that - however, afterwards, due to lack of cool water in the vicinty, I indulged in 2 sips of non-alchoholic beer ... now that was bloody precarious!... the Beckhams are in town. David was dead to me when he left Manchester United. And apparantly Victoria is a load of laughs ... perhaps not quite precarious, but certainly hilarious ...
... media mogul Conrad Black convicted ... whoa ... notorious ...!
... bangawoyo! That's the friendly greeting in Korean. Talking of which, did you know that "mung mung" is the Korean equivalent to "woof woof"? .. curious ...
... and OH! Friday the 13th! ... my how nefarious! ...
Nazlıcım sevgili kardeşim , Very very glad dropping by with my closest hellos and lovesto you .Been away for a month or so .Just seen your comment and I ran to you as fast as I can like the ginger bread man that no body could ever catch me :) Ohhh by the way come to the mother blog www.onebenbirsey.blogspot.com and see some belly dancing you will like that then we will have some bubbly tea how about that ? really did missed you kardeşin candan
mother of Mischief and Mayhem, wife, writer, advocate of human rights, educator – humbled by wanderlust, balanced by pragmatism, driven by authenticity
glad you're feeling gregarious!
So glad to see you back again! You know I've had a similar precarious problem with cans - in my case I'd frozen the can and it popped out of shape.
Nazlıcım sevgili kardeşim ,
Very very glad dropping by with my closest hellos and lovesto you .Been away for a month or so .Just seen your comment and I ran to you as fast as I can like the ginger bread man that no body could ever catch me :) Ohhh by the way come to the mother blog www.onebenbirsey.blogspot.com and see some belly dancing you will like that then we will have some bubbly tea how about that ? really did missed you
kardeşin candan
I haven't see onebenbirsey at the fearless blogs Is it there or I need to have my eyes checked:)???
Hi Dr. Nazli,
I'm not sure if you got my email upon your visit to my blog. I am quite alive and I'm back to blogging.
So glad to see you still around.
See you sooner.
Nazlıcım,kardeşim ,
come see my blacks sea region trips pictues .I believe you may find them interesting and magnificent
kucak kucak kardeşime
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