Monday, January 10, 2011

potential shows no one would watch ... and other opinings

potential shows no one would watch:
"the Real Housewives of Amish country, Pennsylvania"

"Classroom Tonight" - as opposed to "Entertainment Tonight"

"Access Albany (NY)" - as opposed to "Access Hollywood"

glowing recommendations for some R & R:
'Sitting on the Moon' - Enigma
'Grenade' - Bruno Mars

Great Read (excellent for book club):
'The Help' - Kathryn Stockett

guilty recommendations for some time a wastin':
'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' - that Lisa is a laugh and a half!

'Jersey Shore' - I regret watching my first episode ever (opener of the 3rd season) in a misguided attempt to find out who exactly were Snookie and The Situation. Simply awful, mind-bogglingly trivial show - and yet I watched the entire 1 hour unwilling to change the channel... dear Lord!


Equilibrio Global said...

LOL Nazli! I suppose that is what maternity leave does to you? :) Certain shows are dangerous to watch... even though they're bad, we get hooked! Hope all is well! xx

(This is Before Sunrise, BTW)

Nazli Hardy said...

I know Honey - tell me about it! However as you will see from my post today, my mind has turned - thank goodness.

love, Nazli